Your Details

This application is from:
Do you/your group have Public Liability Insurance (PLI)

Tell us more about you/your group

List any positive feedback, grants, awards or recognition you've received. Or, tell us what you're good at, what's different about you, and/or what is it about your arts practice you are proud of. If you are a group, please list the names and ages of all members, note any key achievements of group members, and tell us about your history of working together.

Describe your arts practice and any styles / forms / ideas / processes you're interested in. What's your vision?

Describe what you plan to do, how this will develop your arts practice and why it's important now. Tell us about how you will share what you’ve been doing with the general public through at least one workshop / open rehearsal / artist talk / showcase.

Support Material

Link us to any images / video / information / website / facebook page that showcases your arts practice

Upload any images / video / information that showcases your arts practice.


Please check all boxes before submitting your application *

Here's your chance to provide feedback on the application process, provide any other information that you think is relevant, or make suggestions.

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