Yours Sincerely – Brimbank Stories during COVID-19 is a booklet featuring a selection of stories from locals amidst COVID-19. You’ll read a diverse range of experiences from members of our community. Enjoy uplifting stories, stories of resilience, and new-found discoveries from people of different cultural backgrounds, gender, age and profession.
Physical copies available soon - watch this space
Or send your postal address to or phone us on 9249 4600 and we'll post one out to you.
Riding the Covid-19 Wave in Brimbank
Riding the COVID-19 Wave in Brimbank is a project by Brimbank Libraries to document the current global pandemic, at a local level, within the Brimbank community. Our aim is to capture the voices, stories and experiences of our diverse community at this moment in history. We are calling on those who live, work or study in Brimbank to share your own unique experience of the pandemic. Send us your images, written work and videos that capture how this period has impacted your life. Submissions received will be collated for an exhibition. >> Learn more