Artist: Creature Creature
Year: 2022
Location: 15 Suffolk Road, Sunshine North
Creature Creature were commissioned to install mural on the wall of Mam Non Tutoring Centre at 15 Suffolk Road, Sunshine North. The aim of the mural was to provide a public art element within the space that enhances the existing neighbourhood character and to compliment the space as an educational setting by developing a design that incorporates an educational theme.
The artist duo used this theme as inspiration to depict animals that represent wisdom and knowledge across Eastern and Western cultures. Their design also depicts the life cycle of a plant to illustrate the path of growing, changing and blooming and also features sun symbols for the suburbs namesake Sunshine. The colours are chosen to fit in with the neighbourhoods existing business as well as the themes of learning and flourishing. Its decorative charm aims to uplift the site and bring some joy and vibrancy to the corner.
About Creature Creature
CREATURE CREATURE is an artist duo consisting of Chanel Tang and Ambrose Rehorek based in Melbourne in Australia.
Their work represents duality and the sum of a whole, a message of togetherness, states of balance, yin and yang. Their partnership breaks the myth of the lone artist, as collaboration is an instinctive ritual for them in realms of art, love and life. Collaboration is about preserving diversity, creating something complex, layered and fluid. The beauty of coming together.
Born in Adelaide, Ambrose has a Degree in Visual Arts from the University of South Australia.
Chanel was born in Wellington, New Zealand, moved to Australia in 1998 where she did her Degree in Fine Art at Monash University. They met doing a Graduate Diploma in Graphic Design at RMIT.