Artist: Lukas Kasper in collaboration with Brimbank Youth
Year: 2023
Location: Westvale Community Centre, 45 Kings Road, Kings Park
Lead Artist Bio
Brimbank studio artist Lukas Kasper’s art practices includes painting in all forms and specialising in murals and creating artworks out of recycled/carved skateboards. His interest in creating art began around 2009 in Queensland Australia through the influences of street art, graffiti and skateboarding.
The motive behind his work has matured over time focusing primarily on mental health, animals and environment. Lukas uses a series of painting techniques and distinct visuals to morph these worlds together through a unique display of monster imagery, colour usage, native flora and fauna and flowing line work. Lukas has exhibited, painted murals, completed artist residencies & hosted exhibitions throughout: Queensland, Sydney, Melbourne, Bali, Phuket, Vancouver, Seattle, LA, and Alaska.